Parish of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
18th April 2024
Diocesan Youth E-Newsletter
The latest news about Youth Events for young people who are linked with the Diocese of Plymouth.

12th March 2024
Youth Alpha Passover Meal - Friday 22nd March - 6.30pm
11th March 2024
Youth Adventure Weekend - 24th – 26th May - Buckfast Abbey
This year’s Youth Adventure weekend will be at Grangehurst, Buckfast Abbey, 24th – 26th May.
Changing the location has meant that we can offer different adventure activities. We plan to offer caving amongst other activities.
This year’s theme is ‘I am with you’ Mt 18:20.
In between activities and games, young people will have the chance to explore the scripture and consider ways to communicate with God.
This weekend of aimed at 10 – 13 year olds. Cost £100.
To book: https://forms.office.com/e/DkVzq6hTJB
Further questions please contact Saskia: youth@prcdtr.org.uk

2nd March 2024
Inspire Music Festival - Buckfast Abbey
After a long journey we arrived at Buckfast Abbey and we were welcomed into the event hall. We began our morning with some uplifting music, performed by One Hope Project (a group of young adults who perform and compose music) which prepared us for the day ahead. Then we listened to a guest speaker, Emeka, a refugee who talked about his personal experiences which he portrays through the power of poetry and music. After, we listened to some amazing music performed by Vineyard(from Falmouth) which was followed by a scripture read by some young people from Poole.Following this, we listened to Fr Ignatius speaking in depth about this scripture and exploring the passage from Matthew 16:15 "Who do you say I am?" Then we listened to a local band, Crossbeam playing some original music.
After lunch, we sang along with another performance from One Hope Project, who performed a mixture of original and well-known worship songs.After this, we had an inspiring talk from Daniella Stevens who encouraged us to explore and grow in God's love. Then we enjoyed a final performance from both Vineyard and Crossbeam alongside another guest speaker, Iona Robinson, who encouraged us to spend time reflecting on our relationship with Jesus.
After a short break, we sang another song, directed by One Hope Project and following this we listened to some more of Emeka's journey to the UK. To conclude the day, we experienced a time of adoration in the blessed sacrament Chapel in Buckfast Abbey.
My personal highlight of the day was being able to speak yo one of the amazing lead vocalists from One Hope Project, Pippa Baker, where I discussed my part in the church speaking about the fact I have quite recently started playing piano and singing during Mass.
I felt truly inspired throughout this event and this encounter inspired me to carry on doing what I love.
10th February 2024
Bowling in Poole - Saturday 17th February 2024
Father Anthony will be taking Youth Alpha on a trip to Poole. We will meet up with the Poole Catholic Youth Group for a game of bowling at Tower Park.
We will leave St Joseph's at 11am and return around 5pm.

24th December 2023
Special Youth Award 2023
Fr. Anthony was delighted to give a special youth award to Shona Coleman for her brilliant Advent Memory Tree initiative. Creating beautiful decorations for parishioners to purchase for the memory or intention of loved ones this Advent and Christmas season. Our parishioners heartly supported her idea and the trees in the Church looked beautiful.
Well done and thank you Shona.

18th December 2023
Diocesan Youth E-Newsletter
The latest news about Youth Events for young people who are linked with the Diocese of Plymouth.
13th November 2023
Inspire, a music festival for the youth - Buckfast Abbey - 2nd March 2024
Inspire, a music festival for the youth (12-16 years old) 2nd March 2024.
Youth Events will be running a music festival at Buckfast Abbey, 2nd March 2024 12.00 – 5.00. Bands will include, Jozzy and Crossbeam, both Southwest bands. Early bird tickets are £25 (buy before 31st January). For more information please get in touch with Saskia, youth@prcdtr.org.uk

7th November 2023
World Youth Fun Day - Sunday 26th November
World Youth Sunday is coming up later this month on Sunday 26th November, Feast of Christ the King, a day on which Pope Francis invites the global Church to celebrate and pray for young people.
In Lisbon this year, Pope Francis told young people that “Jesus door is always open: Come and See!”
This has inspired the theme for World Youth Day celebrations in England and Wales for 2023.

Annual Youth Award 2023
Fr. Anthony gave two young people in our parish his annual Youth Award in recognition of their exemplary behaviour and service on our recent pilgrimage to Lourdes.
Many congratulations to:
Saduni and Luca

23rd August 2023
Diocesan Youth E-Newsletter
The latest news about Youth Events for young people who are linked with the Diocese of Plymouth.

22nd July 2023
Youth Rally 2023 - Saturday 23rd Sept at St Rita’s Honiton – 12- 6pm
Fr Anthony would like to take a group of youngsters to join youth from across the diocese in fun, games and challenges at St Rita’s Honiton.
Are you ready for the infamous obstacle course? Or are you keen to score lots of goals in the penalty shoot out or netball challenge. They’ll be bouncy castles, didi cars, sumo wrestling challenges and much more for you to have a go at.
The event is open to anyone 7 years through to 16. The £8 contribution includes a BBQ and drinks.
Contact the Parish Office, speak to Fr. Anthony or contact Saskia direct for further information: youth@prcdtr.org.uk or sign up here.

30th June 2023
Mass on the Beach 2023
On Friday, Fr. Anthony led our annual Mass on the Beach for our Youth Alpha members. The weather wasn't kind t but that didn't discourage us. We found a beach hut and gathered there to celebrate Mass. It was a memorable occasion, enjoyed by all and finished off with a fish and chips supper.
29th June 2023
Diocesan Youth E-Newsletter
The latest news about Youth Events for young people who are linked with the Diocese of Plymouth.

28th April 2023
Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage 2023
We are pleased to announce that the Plymouth Diocese will once again be travelling to Lourdes this year for the Diocesan Pilgrimage which will take place between Friday 28th July and Thursday 3rd August.
Flights will go from Bristol to Toulouse with a coach transfer from Weymouth to Bristol and from Toulouse to Lourdes.
The package includes 6 nights full board accommodation at the Hotel Eliseo, Lourdes and costs £500pp sharing.
Father Anthony is the Pilgrimage Director and will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Booking forms and further information is available in the Parish Office and on the Parish website.

31st March 2023
Youth Alpha will break for Easter and return on Friday 21st April
10th March 2023
Heatree Residential - May 26th – 28th "As the father sent me, I am sending you" - Heatree Activity Centre, Dartmoor
Young people aged 11- 16 from across the diocese are invited to join together at Heatree Activity Centre, Dartmoor where we will explore John 20:21.
The week-end will comprise of activities that encourage our young people to explore their faith and understanding of the church teaching. There will be the opportunity to join in outdoor activities onsite such as high ropes and raft building (activities may vary).
Cost: £120 this can be paid in instalments.
To book please follow the link:
For further information please contact Saskia;

5th March 2023
Flame 2023
Father Anthony took two of our youngsters to Flame 2023 in London yesterday. They joined over 8,000 young people at the OVO Arena in Wembley for the largest Catholic gathering of young people in England and Wales.
The theme of Flame 2023 was, “Rise Up!”
Rise up after the pandemic, Rise up as young Catholics, Rise up – as Mary did – for the surprising and beautiful adventure that is our Catholic faith.
Highlights were seeing Guvna B and Adeniké perform live and a silent 10 minute adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Fr Anthony said "you could hear a pin drop". The youngsters said "it was amazing to see so many young people and a great day out".

9th February 2023
Diocesan Youth E-Newsletter
The latest news about Youth Events for young people who are linked with the Diocese of Plymouth.

3rd January 2023
Youth Alpha Returns

Youth Alpha - 6.30-7.30pm, Friday 20th January 2023
The Youth Alpha Group will start meeting again from Friday 20th in the Parish Hall. All those Year 9 and above are welcome
Please note: Any young person in Year 9 or above who wants to make their Confirmation, please contact Fr Anthony directly.
15th November 2022
Youth Alpha Christmas Party - 16 December 2022 - 6.30pm-8pm
The Youth Alpha group enjoyed a festive time last Friday, with party games, karaoke and making Christingle oranges.
25th November 2022
Advent Wreath
This week our Youth Alpha group worked together to make this beautiful Advent wreath, which can be seen in St Joseph's Church.

25th November 2022
Diocesan Youth E-Newsletter
The latest news about Youth Events for young people who are linked with the Diocese of Plymouth.

16th November 2022
Youth Alpha - Cake Sale
Our Youth Alpha group have been selling delicious homemade cakes to raise money for their pilgrimage to Lourdes next year.

11th November 2022
Youth Alpha - Christmas Cards
Our Youth Alpha Group have been busy designing Christmas cards, which they will sell to raise money for their trip to Lourdes.
Only £5 for a pack of 6 cards.

16th September 2022
Youth Group Returns

Youth Group - 6.30-7.30pm, Friday 16th September
The Youth Alpha Group will start meeting next Friday 16th in the Parish Hall. All those Year 9 and above are welcome
Please note: Any young person in Year 9 or above who want to make their Confirmation, please contact Fr Anthony directly.
Annual Youth Award 2022
Fr. Anthony gave three young people in our Parish a Youth Award in recognition of putting their faith into action through service and reflection. Our three regular Sunday readers never fail to step up when asked and are an inspiration to other young people in the Parish.
Many congratulations to:
Amelia, Angelina and Ruby

Youth Alpha Events 2022
Confirmation Retreat Weekend
15-17 July 2022
St Rita’s Centre
In celebration of making their Confirmation we went on retreat to St Rita's Centre in Honiton, Devon.
This was a great opportunity for us to relax together in our faith, and grow in love of Jesus in a fun and happy atmosphere.
We played games, celebrated Mass together, enjoyed a campfire with roasted marshmallows and visited the seaside at Sidmouth.

Confirmation Mass
11th June 2022
St Joseph's Church
We celebrated a beautiful Confirmation Mass on Saturday evening, with Fr. Anthony performing the sacrament for all 14 of us. St Joseph's Church was full with our families, friends, and parishioners and the atmosphere was joyful.
Thanks to the Confirmation Ministry Team and our families for supporting us on our journey in faith.
Mass on the Beach
27th May 2022
Weymouth Beach
For our last meeting before our Confirmation celebration, we took a trip to Weymouth Beach to celebrate Mass with Fr. Anthony and Deacon Jonathan. Afterwards we ate fish & chips.

25th November 2022
Youth Alpha

Youth Group
Our latest Confirmation candidates have recently started a Youth Group in our parish.
The group meet every Friday (term time only) in St Joseph's Hall between 6.30 - 7.30pm.
These drop-in sessions are a chance to connect with other young people in the Parish, to explore your faith and have fun.
Refreshments are provided.
Below are some photo's from their recent activities, including Mass on the beach and a retreat to Honiton with Fr. Anthony and the Confirmation catechists.