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Mass Times

Mass is celebrated at St Joseph's Church. 

Regular Mass Times

Monday - No Mass 

Tuesday - 6.30pm

Wednesday - 10am

Thursday - 6.30pm

Friday - 10am 

Saturday - 3pm (Polish Mass) (2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month)                   

Saturday - 6pm (First Mass of Sunday)

Sunday - 8am                 

Sunday - 10am (Live Streamed)


Sacrament of Penance

(by prior appointment)

Wednesday - 10.45am


Please note:

Due to the increasing popularity of the Tuesday evening Mass, I will be saying Mass on Thursday evenings for the month of January as a trial. These Masses will start on Thursday the 9th of January at 6.30pm and will replace the Thursday morning Eucharistic Service.

Fr A


Easter Mass Times

Mass is celebrated at St Joseph's Church. 

Maundy Thursday – 17th April

7pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper


Good Friday – 18th April

10am Children’s Stations of the Cross Rehearsal

11am Children’s Stations of the Cross

3pm The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ


Holy Saturday – 19th April

8pm The Easter Vigil


Easter Sunday – 20th April

8am Easter Sunday Mass

10am Easter Sunday Mass

Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea

Our Parish is part of Plymouth Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No 213227

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