Parish of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Children's Liturgy

Children's Liturgy
A big HELLO from Nancy, Irene, Jane, Dee, Sara and Debbie!
We are the Children's Liturgy Team at the Parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea here in Weymouth.
We offer a Liturgy of the Word for Children at our 10am Mass on Sunday. This is aimed primarily at Key Stage 1 (Reception to Year 2), though we welcome all children who haven't yet received their First Holy Communion. If needed parents are also welcome.
All catechists are DBS checked and have attended Safeguarding training sessions.
Why do a Liturgy of the Word for children?
The Good News is God speaking to us today through the words in the Bible. We want to pass this onto our children in a way they can understand and engage with.
Children's Liturgy is NOT Bible study or an RE lesson.
We don't need to be experts. We can safely leave that to the Holy Spirit. Our catechists are committed Christians who want to share their faith and enthusiasm for the Good News at work in their everyday lives.
How do we do Liturgy?
Before the Penitential Rite, led by two catechists, the children are invited to move into the hall.
We spend time taking a register, which is a great way to introduce ourselves and get to know names and welcome newcomers.
Starting with the Sign of the Cross we then sing a Sorry song. When appropriate we follow this with a simple Gloria Song. We are enjoying learning to sign these in Makaton.
The Gospel is then welcomed with another Acclamation song and read from an age-appropriate text.
We then have a short discussion time to check the key points and point out what this means for us right here today in Weymouth.
We end with simple prayers and a Hail Mary before being led back to join in with the offertory hymn.