Parish of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
“New Catenians”
Would you enjoy other people's company over a pleasant meal?
Would you like to get to know others in your Church, and other Catholic communities?
Would you like the option to be involved with others?
Do you identify with our watchwords, which are:
friendship, family, faith
“Friendship in Faith”.

Our Lady, Star of the Sea Catenian Team
Chris & Judy Warran (07563748879) chriswarran@gmail.com
Shaun Kerrigan
Mark & Judith Kemmis-Betty
Malcolm Smith
Colin Huckle
Royston & Audrey Moore
“New Catenians”
If you think you know all about us that’s great! But in fact, Catenians has changed a lot over the past few years, and we are different now to what you may have heard or experienced in the past.
Of course, if you’ve not heard of us! Well, we are the organization that gives you the chance to meet with other Catholics in a social environment. This used to be just catholic men, but a lot of things are changing and could include other non-Catholic Christians. For instance, this could now apply to non-Catholic husbands of wives who attend mass. Catenians is also looking at allowing ladies membership. The association has always been big on involving the whole family in everything we do, and membership is open to single or married people. It continues after a member’s death with widows being supported and involved on a continuing basis.
People often ask, "What do Catenians do?" The simple answer is - we just try to make connections with people. That is young people, old, working or retired. Our members socialise, with each other and try to have fun along the way! The connections we make are then there for us during both the good and difficult times in life.
Roger Lille our GB National president recently stated “We have a key aim in our constitution of supporting our Catholic youth, our clergy and each other. In these difficult times we need to actively consider others. There are numerous issues causing stress and mental illness such as loneliness, living costs and health” (Universe, Sept 2022)
We are an international organization and have over 8,000 members in the UK and overseas and have been going since the early 1900’s
Our “circle” embraces Catholics from the area of Weymouth, Wool, Dorchester, Wareham and Lulworth, and from wider afield. We try to meet monthly. At the meetings the first thing we do is pray for our loved ones both alive and deceased. We also pray for the wider community, our welfare, local events, and our charities
We also provide help and bursaries for young people involved in things like, the Flame youth event, VSO and Lourdes. Our local charity this year is to help the local food banks, in this the current economic crisis.
We also have an International Rosary group.
Extra social activities to choose from, during the year include: -
Country Walks; Barbecues; Days Out; pub lunches; we have a Christmas lunch coming up soon.
Our logo/motto is “Friendship in Faith”.
Catenians come from all walks of life and occupations but there have also been many famous Catenians; some below you will know: -
*JR Tolkien who wrote Lord of the Rings Tolkien (He was inducted into the Catenian Association in the period 1923–39.) Still running on prime TV!
*Australia’s previous prime minister. Tony Abbott
*Our local famous Catenian is Weymouth’s previous mayor, Colin Huckle.
We are offering all men in the parish free trial membership. That is, come along to a meal (for free), and also enjoy 6 months membership, free.
“Catenians take our lead from Jesus in the gospels” who, as we know, was big on friendship, , and called us his Friends” So this is the way we can develop not only being closer to each other but also to God.
We’d love to meet you! Give us a try!